Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Toroweap (Mar 2004)

When our world traveler and trader friends, John and Janet Anderson, came to visit us, I thought I would take them to one of the most spectacular overlooks in the world--Grand Canyon's Toroweap Point. We drove the 90 miles of dirt roads south of St George and camped out for one night. We all enjoyed taking pictures and doing a 6 mile hike the next day.

Looking west towards Lava Rapids--North America's fastest and most difficult rapids. The water cruises near 50 mph through the rapids!

Janet and John with their camera.

An incredible sunrise with the river below!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Red Mountain (Spring 2004)

Kim and I love hiking the Red Mountain trail from Hwy 18 10 miles across the top of the mountain down to our house.

Kim doing a sun salutation at the West Canyon overlook.

Lots of interesting slickrock on top of the Red Mountain.
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