Friday, May 14, 2010

San Juan River (May '10)

What a great way to spend a week in the Spring--six of us guys from Ivins (Mike, Bo, Rocky, Rich, and Charlie) spending 5 days floating down the San Juan River! A few months back I applied on a whim for the San Juan River, never really thinking I would get the lottery pick. Somehow I got picked with a May 14 launch date out of Mexican Hat, taking out around 50 river miles later at Clay Hills Crossing. Using 3 vehicles to shuttle, we launched a small flotilla for our bunch--a 16' avon, a cataraft, and two inflatable kayaks.

Within a minute of launching, Bo flipped his IK in the first rapid (on purpose maybe, so that nobody else would want to get a chance for the fun IK). We endured a little wind on that first and last day, but other than that had really great weather, camps, and day hikes. My camera broke, so all but the last two photos below were taken by Bo.

Our hike up Slickhorn Canyon had many wonderful deep swimming holes.

Like this one too.

Second morning on the river. We got some pretty darn early starts.

Bo relaxing in the Alpacka packraft. He had the time of his life running the rapids in this.

Bo, Rocky, and Rich chowing down at our second night's camp. Thanks to Rich bringing his big boats, we had plenty of hot food and cold drinks.
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