Monday, August 03, 2009

Mystery Canyon in Zion (Aug 09)

Mystery Canyon in Zion has been high on my list to visit. It's a great place to escape the summer heat, due to its coolness. Bo and two of his friends met up, and we hiked the five mile and 2000' up the East Rim Trail, then descended the steep scree down into the depths of Mystery Canyon where it starts to slot up. There are about 10 rappels, most of them 30 to 50 feet into dry beds. The last two raps are over 100 feet each, and they involve landing in a deep pool and the Narrows river.

Here's Bo halfway down the second to the last rappel into the spring.

Bo rigging the ropes for the last rap down into the river below where hikers are coming up the Narrows.

Looking up from the Narrows, this is the last rap, which is slippery due to moss and the waterfall pouring on your head.
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