Friday, May 18, 2007

Old Bright Angel Trail (May 2007)

I got up at 4AM to drive to the North Rim and begin a 17 mile loop hike (with 4400' vertical down and up) across the Ken Patrick Trail 4 miles, down the Old Bright Angel Trail 6 miles, and 7 miles up the North Kaibab Trail back to the truck. This took me 8 hours total, including all breaks. The temp at the rim was 50'ish, and down at Bruce's house it was 90. It was a hot hike out!

From the rim looking down the Old Bright Angel Trail, which is not maintained at all. It was brushy, steep, and ledgey in many places.

Near the bottom, I walked on ledges above many pools and waterfalls.

I came 18 inches from stepping on this aggressive pink rattler! I was on a narrow ledge and almost slipped off of it into the above photo's pools.

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