Thursday, April 14, 2005

Kanab Creek (Apr 2005)

Mike Burkley and I backpacked four days down Jumpup to Kanab Creek, and down Kanab Creek to Scotty's Hollow and back. I was really weak and sick the first day, but got better after sleeping.

A view of Scotty's Castle, just before getting to Scotty's Hollow.

One of many waterfalls in Scotty's Hollow.

There were constant streams coming down through the Supai layer. Mike swimming in one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Russel Gulch (Upper Subway) (April 2005)

Mike Burkley and I embarked on an adventure exploring the upper portion of the Subway during the huge spring runoff of 2005.

Water, red sandstone, forests, and slots.

An area that resembles the Wave.

Waterfalls were coming down everywhere in places that they should not have been.

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