Saturday, July 25, 2009

Zion Narrows with Sasha (July 09)

After last summer's dayhike of the Narrows with Sasha, she wanted to go back again this year, but this time we wanted to see the entire length of the 16 miles of Narrows from the top to the bottom, with one night sleeping in the middle! So we packed up our overnight gear (Sasha carried 11 pounds and I carried 22 lbs), and took a shuttle to the top. Both days were long days of hiking about 6 hours each day, with dozens of river crossings. But we took our time and enjoyed the coolness and the beauty. Sasha is a fast hiker, even with a pack.

Here she is in the upper Narrows, touching both walls with her trecking poles.

We spotted some poison ivy high above us on a small cliff.

Sasha sitting in front of Big Springs--her favorite place to relax in the Narrows.

Another part of Big Spring.
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