Thursday, August 11, 2011

Grand Canyon Rafting (Aug '11)

Owl's Eyes!

Another call came last minute from Bev to come hike down to Phantom to join the crew on an AzRA trip in progress for another 9 days of rafting and working down the Grand Canyon. Since it is August, I thought there might be some rainy monsoon days to help cool things off and create some waterfalls, but no luck--every day was sunny and nights were fairly toasty too. But we saw most of the usual good sites like Elves, Thunder River, Deer Creek, Olo, Havasu, etc. I have never seen the river this high--27K--but most of the rapids were washed out or easier despite the faster and higher moving water...with the exception of Lava. Lava was very big and scary looking, with only one possible navigable route down the left center right next to the ledge hole. All of our boats did fine.

Full moon with interesting clouds!

There were many fun and interesting folks in this group. I've posted some of the best pictures, so click on the photo below to open the album:
Rafting GC Aug 11

and the full album here:
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