Saturday, November 05, 2011

Western Grand Canyoneering (Oct '11)

The weather this October has been eerily silent, sunny, warm, and pleasant. Rich planned a week long trip for 6 of us to go explore some new canyons in Western Grand Canyon. We descended 4 new canyons, hiked through 2 other canyons, and pack rafted 5 miles. Each canyon had some unique features that made us say, 'Wow!'

Here's Dan coming down a big drop.


Shangri La!

We hiked through some brilliant Fall colors.

A double stage rap with Todd continuing to the bottom.

Staying dry in some incredibly narrow and beautiful Muav narrows.

I love being on the river, even if it's in a pool toy!

Rich admiring the light reflecting in a pool.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Fall Colors on Cedar Mtn (Oct '11)

Nice! These photos speak for themselves.

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