Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mr Boucher the Hermit (Mar 09)

A few days after getting home from Hawaii, I had a trip scheduled for months to go down solo to the bottom of the Grand Canyon where the famous hermit Louis Boucher lived over 100 years ago. This is a rugged, difficult trail off the south rim for 11 miles to Boucher rapids, then 7 miles over to Hermit Camp, then 7 miles to Salt Camp, and then 12 miles along the Tonto Trail to Indian Gardens and up the Bright Angel for nearly 40 miles total in 4 days. The weather was mostly beautiful--only a few hours of light rain and wind on the second day. I often wonder what I'm doing out there all alone, but after a few days I really enjoy bonding with nature. I didn't see any people for the first day and half the second day, and then again no people for pretty much most of the third day and half the last day. Yuma Point is the red area left of center in the sun...

A view from the rim toward Boucher Rapids (slightly up and left of center). I had to get down there the first day! The Boucher trail is the most difficult of south rim trails.

Me resting at Yuma Point. See the river under my left cheek. Someday I will stop here and spend the night.

My first night's camp spot in the sand next to Boucher Rapids.

The neat thing about Boucher Rapids is that you can see my two all-time favorite rim viewpoints--here is Pima Point at sunset on the south rim...

...and here is Sublime Point on the north rim with the sun hitting it at sunrise.

Redbuds were in bloom in all the side canyons.

Second day along the Tonto heading to Hermit Camp--the trail swings out above the river here.

A series of waterfalls above Hermit Camp.

The third day I hiked past Monument Creek, and took a break here in the Vishnu narrows before heading over to my final camp spot at Salt Creek.

The "Fiery Furnace" in Salt Creek.

Can you see the bighorn standing on the rock? They blend into the canyon well.

My last night's camp along the Tonto...

...had a sunset view of a long stretch of river, where you can see Granite and Hermit Rapids.

My last morning hike--looking up at the south rim's Powell and Hopi Points.
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