Sunday, November 01, 2009

Zion Subway Hike and Photos (Nov 09)

Zion's canyons have some of the best Fall colors anywhere this time of year. I organized a group of 12 of us friends and family members to go hike up to the Subway to enjoy the beauty. Due to sickness, only 9 of us made it, but we had perfect weather conditions, and I was able to get some great photos.

Here is an attempt to make a semi- abstract HDR-style photo of the beautiful cascades.

We left the day after daylight savings ended, so we at least had an extra hour of sleep after our Halloween fun.

Brooke resting by one of many beautiful cascades.

Here's CJ, Brooke, Sean and Ryan entering the Subway tunnel.

Swirling pools of autumn leaves, slots of light, cool water--a cathedral in the desert!

The famous North Pole log still after so many years has never been washed down by a flash flood.

A heart shaped pool.

Another great shot.

A close up of a trough of running water.

Here's the group warming up in the sun for lunch.

Cool blue!
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