Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hawaii Spring Break (Mar 09)

Here is a sampling of some of the best and funnest photos from our family Hawaii spring break trip. We enjoyed spending time with Heather and Kivalu and cousins Valu and Keenan. We spent every day at a beach some where, and really enjoyed time with family.

Brooke and Kim at sunrise!

Keenan doing a sommersalt in the sand.

Me posing with the 3 girls.

Family photo in front of Heather and Ki's home, where they may not be living in a year, since they are considering moving closer to town and schools.

Me and Kim at Turtle Bay for a wonderful evening out.

Kim and I walked along the beach and Kim did yoga every early morning. Each day's sunrise was different, but wonderful in its own way.

Burning sunrise!

Another sunrise photo!

A different perspective of sand, ocean, water, and footprints.

I enjoyed this photo of Sasha jumping over a wave coming in at Sunset Beach on the North Shore.
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