Friday, July 04, 2008

Lake Powell (July 08)

This summer's Lake Powell trip with our friends, the Perry's, was over the week of the 4th of July. We found an awesome slickrock cove in Padre Bay and hung out there for the week. We all enjoyed jet skiing, the tube, the food, the company, and the fireworks show.

Kids coming back to the houseboat from tubing.

3 funny girls!

Cliff jumping was another favorite activity. That's Brooke.

A dNally on the rocks above Kelly on the jet ski? Right above a Walker name on the rocks--where's Taylor?

Matt holding Cleo while Sasha slides down the back of the boat.


Mom of Four said...

I love Powell! Although Brooke cliff jumping is almost a little too much. (i had a bad experience once cliff jumping). Looks like you guys had a great time.

Texaswall said...

My kids could conceivable wander on to the worst porn sites on the web, but I've blocked your blog so that they don't get jealous and hate on me.

Lon and Kaye Nally said...

WOW!!!! What fun! Looks like you had a great week. How come those three girls look so grown up??????? We miss you!

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