A view from Navajo Bridge at the beginning of the Grand Canyon.

The first day we rode with the Moki Mac trip leader--Matt. Here we are approaching the bridge.

On the calmer stretches of the river, the girls got to paddle in this "shredder"--a cataraft style ducky.

Looking out of Redwall Cavern.

We slept under the stars each night on sandy spots similar to this great beach spot out on an island below the Triple Alcoves.

The canyon nicely reflects the water as we paddle down the still waters above Nankoweap.

At the Little Colorado, the girls swam this little rapid a couple of dozen times.

Boats and girls lounging at our camp at Carbon Canyon.

Four of us taking a break on a hike.

Sasha under Clear Creek Falls.

Our camp at Zoroaster.

The Ross Wheeler boat and camp.

Shinumo Falls.

A view of the middle granite gorge.

Sasha's hands span a one billion year gap of rock that is missing!

Me trying out the oars.

We ran into Bev several times on the trip. She is the first river guide we met on Stephanie's trip. Here she and Sasha relax in front of Stone Creek Waterfall.

Sasha in front of Deer Creek Waterfall. Imagine if the Grand Canyon did not have any side waterfalls!

Sasha and Matt sitting on thrones of rock.

A hike and wet scramble up into Matkat was everybody's favorite.

Sasha and Lauren sliding down Matkat.

Our biggest hike was two hours up to Beaver Falls, one of my favorites up in Havasu Canyon.

The four of us and our guide taking a lunch siesta break.

Sasha's shirt color matches the water of Havasu Creek!

Nice cool temps in the lower canyon gave us relief from the heat, and these beautiful puffy clouds below Whitmore.

Shoving off from our camp at Parashant.

A womb-sized rock that Sasha fit in, and her pony tail dangled out the back.

Below Diamond Creek in the lower granite gorge, this waterfall at Travertine Falls was incredible!

Lunch in the shade at the mouth of Surprise Canyon. We ran into very few groups during the entire two weeks on this trip.

Sasha rowing the boat on the last day.

Our guides at take-out at Pearce Ferry: Mark, Doug, Matt, and Jay. The two weeks flew by and it was so sad to say goodbye.
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